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Nadia Ben Ali

Nadia Ben Ali

Charles Nicolle hospital,China

Title: Prognostic score of remission or relapse during withdrawal on idiopathic generalized epilepsies


Biography: Nadia Ben Ali


The aim of the study to identify risk factors for recurrence of seizures after withdrawal and  propose recommendations. We recruited 55 patients treated for EGI in whom the withdrawal of antiepileptic treatment was attempted after a remission of at least 24 months. We have specified their status  after therapeutic weaning (remission or relapse) as well as their different demographic, clinical, electrical and therapeutic characteristics. A multivariate statistical study was applied in search of prognostic factors of remission or relapse in order to establish a prognostic score and a strategy of withdrawal of antiepiletics.Our cohort was heterogeneous. The remission rate was 54.5%, with 90% of relapses occurring during the first 24 months after weaning from the AEMs. We established a prognostic score with  clinical and paraclinical parameters that seem to be only the "tip of the iceberg" of epilepsy and epileptogenesis. The question that arises is that it is not neurobiological and genetic factors that would rather determine individual epileptogenesis.